Childcare during Mass and Activities

When is childcare available?

Childcare for children age 1 to 3 is available in the nursery in the parish hall during the 10:30 am Mass most Sundays. For children ages preschool and kindergarten, there is CFF class during the during the 10:30am Mass. Childcare availibility follows the Children's Faith Formation Schedule. If there are not classes for CFF, this is no nursery. Sometimes we will provide childcare during special events or meetings.  

Calendar of Children's Faith Formation Class: 

Click here for CFF 2024-25 Calendar

Click here to register for the nursery.

What are the costs for childcare?

There is no cost for childcare during the 10:30 am Mass and most special events and meetings. Please check the weekly bulletin or church calendar for information for any special information.

Who provides the childcare?

Our goal is to provide a safe and loving environment for children while their parents attend events at Saint Edward. Childcare is provide by parish volunteers who are required to have a background check performed and to attend a training class provided by the Archdiocese of Portland.

Can I be a childcare volunteer?

Yes.  Our goal is to provide a safe and loving environment for children while their parents attend events at Saint Edward. Special requirements may apply. If you are interested in being a volunteer, please contact

Joyce Sprouse Click on the name to send an email, or call 503-393-5323 ext 311


Click on Uno the sheep to register with Saint Edward Flocknote and stay up to date on nursery closures.