
 Saint Edward welcomes you to be a part of the many ministries we have. Please feel free to contact the people below if you are interested.

Adoration of the Eucharist

We have been very blessed as a parish community to have the opportunity to adore Christ in the Eucharist in our Adoration Chapel any time, day and night. Twenty-four hour daily adoration is scheduled. Some hours still need at least one person to spend time with Jesus. It just may be the most important hour of your whole week.

To schedule a holy hour, please contact Linda Lauthern at (503) 393-5323.


Altar Linen Care

A group of parishioners from the parish see that altar linens are laundered and ironed on a weekly basis.

If you would like to volunteer, please contact Sha Eppley at (503) 753-5915.


Altar Servers

This ministry is open to adults and youth beginning in the fourth grade.  It is an opportunity to serve the Lord in a special way at the Sunday Liturgy, funeral Masses or other liturgical celebrations.  It's more than just carrying a candle in the procession.

Contact Joyce Sprouse at    503-393-5323 x311

Please click here to see more information on Altar Servers.


Audio and Video

The Audio and Video ministry helps provide and run the weekend Mass PowerPoint that display the song lyrics and prayers during Mass. Additionally, these volunteers adjust the volume to the microphones of the choir during Mass.

Contact Mike Auman 503-393-3089


Church Flowers and Decorations


A talented group of parishioners use their creativity to provide beautiful floral arrangements and decorations that accent our church environment for each of the liturgical seasons.

For Liturgical decorations: please contact Mike and Melissa Auman at 503-393-3089

For floral questions or to volunteer, please contact: Jeanie White at 503-569-7210.


Communion Service and Daily Mass Coordination


This ministry prepares the altar for Daily Mass/Communion Service and assigns lectors and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion for daily Mass.

If you would like to volunteer or have questions, please contact Karen Scharosch at (503)-302-1907 or



Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Since the priest or deacon is the ordinary minister for distributing communion to the faithful during Mass, lay men and women can assist as extraordinary ministers. EMHCs need to have already received the Sacrament of Confirmation and are trained in the special care of the Body and Blood of Christ and the sacred vessels.

For questions or to volunteer, please contact Debi Welter at (503) 949-3812.



Hospitality Ministers are the greeters that welcome you when you enter the church. They help seat parishioners, carry up the offertory gifts, direct the congregation during Holy Communion, hand out bulletins after Mass and make sure the pews and the church are clean and ready for the next Mass.

 Our Youth Hospitality Ministers assist during the second Sunday of the month at the 10:30am Mass.

For more information or to volunteer, please contact Linda Strunk at (503) 393-5323 x310


Lectors and Readers

Lectors have the special honor of proclaiming the Word of God at Mass. Guidelines for the ministry and practical training are provided. Readers receive a workbook with the readings for the current liturgical year as a resource in their preparation. Adults and high school youth who have made their Confirmation are invited to serve as lectors for our liturgies.

To volunteer, please contact Maureen Summers at (503) 581-1393.



Saint Edward relies on its parish volunteers in these ministries to help carry out the various functions of liturgy (such as Hospitality, Music/Choir, Lectors, Servers, etc.). Liturgical Ministries are planned and coordinated by the Saint Edward Liturgical Committee.

Please see the individual Liturgical Ministry Areas:

  • Altar Servers
  • Audio and Video
  • Communion Service and Daily Mass Coordination
  • Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion
  • Hospitality
  • Lectors and Readers
  • Coordinator of Ministries (CM)
  • Music/Choir

For questions or to volunteer, please contact Debi Welter at (503) 949-3812.


Coordinator of Ministries (CM)

A CM is needed at every celebration of the Mass. Besides being the head sacristan, who makes sure the bread and wine and sacred vessels are prepared, he/she also makes sure that the other liturgical ministers are ready for their roles in the celebration. The pastor relies on the CM to help ensure the best possible worship experience.

For questions or to volunteer, please contact Debi Welter at (503) 949-3812.



Since the celebration of the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith, music is important to help us lift our hearts and souls to God. You can help as a musician, cantor, or choir member. All are important parts of the celebration of the Eucharist. “To sing is to pray twice.” – St. Augustine

To join or ask questions, please contact: Mary Anne Zielinski at (503) 991-6985.


Parish Nurses and Health

Our parish nurses do a great job providing services such as regular blood pressure checks, health education, hospital and home visits, referring parishioners to community resources and the Red Cross Blood Drives.

Gaye McDougall, RN 503-390-1876

Debbie Hoffmeister, RN 503-581-2112



Prayer Chain - Love the Holy Spirit

Call to be part of the phone tree prayer chain or to request prayers for a special intention.

Contact Susan Arbaugh (503) 930-5354 or Dolores Emmenegger (707) 998-3718.