Community Outreach

 Saint Edward provides many services to our community. Here are just a few:


Boy Scouts of America

For over a century, the BSA has helped build the future leaders of this country by combining educational activities and lifelong values with fun. The Boy Scouts of America believes — and, through over a century of experience, knows — that helping youth is a key to building a more conscientious, responsible, and productive society. 

See our Saint Edward Cub Scout and Boy Scout Page here.


Keizer Community Dinner

Need a Friend, Meet a Friend.  Come dine with us at the Free Community Dinner held the fourth Wednesday of every month from 4:30 pm to 6:30 pm except November times are 3:30 pm to 6 pm in St. Edward Parish Hall.   Everyone is welcome to enjoy the meal.   Hosting Community Partners are:   Keizer Christian Church;  Lakepoint Community Church; The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Keizer; Keizer Chamber MAK (Men of Action in Keizer) & KNOW, (Keizer Network of Women), Thrivent Financial,  Bonaventure Senior Living,  Whitaker Mid-High Leadership team and St. Edward Catholic Church.  The dinner is partnering with Marion Polk Food Share & Salem Leadership Foundation.

 For questions, please contact the Church office at (503) 393-5323.


Funeral Reception Committee

Hosting the funeral reception for the grieving family and friends is a witness of Christ's love to those in need. Volunteers help set up, bring food, serve food and clean up.

Contact Stella Horsley at (503) 393-3540


Family Promise

St. Edward Catholic Church is a host church for this ecumenical outreach to homeless families. We provide a safe place for them to stay for a week, meals, and companionship. Many parishioners are needed to help make this possible: people to cook meals, donate food, evening hosts, overnight hosts, and set up and clean up crews. We house families three times a year.

 For more information, please contact the parish office at (503) 393-5323


Keizer Community Food Bank


The Keizer Community Food Bank is an Interfaith Food Ministry located at Faith Lutheran Church. On the second Monday of each month parishioners from St. Edward stock the shelves and distribute food boxes. Assistance is needed at 2 pm for shelf-stocking and at 5:30 pm to help the people select food and move it to their vehicles.

Terry Kirk, 505-507-3237

Greda van Veen, 503-390-3542



Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a national Catholic fraternal organization. Our council, #10594 supports the efforts of our parish, always lending a hand for tough projects and worthy fundraisers.  Contact Chuck McKay, 971-218-0099.

Click this item to view the Knights of Columbus page.


Saint Vincent DePaul Society

In the spirit of St. Vincent’s care for the poor our local chapter of the St.Vincent DePaul Society collects food the second Sunday of each month at all Masses and provides emergency assistance to those in need. New volunteers are always needed. Contact any of the following members for meeting information.

Diane Durbin, President, 503-393-2358

Corky & Leitha Caron, Vice President/Secretary, 503-979-2426

Carolyn Criteser, Treasurer/Spiritual, 503-380-8253