Councils and Committees


Administrative Council

The purpose of St. Edward Administrative Council is to provide advice and counsel to the Pastor on administrative, budgetary, financial, legal, personnel and fundraising activities of the parish. The Administrative Council meets on the fourth Thursday of each month.   Council members are appointed by the Pastor.


Facilities Committee

The Facilities Committee helps coordinate efforts for upkeep and improvement of our church buildings and grounds. Volunteers are needed to help with many of the building, painting or maintenance projects.  For more information or to volunteer:

Contact Jim Martsfield, Chairman at  503-393-5323 ext 389 or email:


Liturgy Committee

The Liturgical Committee includes the chairpersons of each of the Liturgical Ministries.  This consultative body helps Fr.Gary with all Liturgical Areas.   Chairman, Joe Diehl, 503-393-0412


Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council is another set of eyes and ears for the pastor. This consultative body helps Fr.Gary with addressing the needs of the parish and visioning for the future.  Chair